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105. Bridging the gap between microstructurally resolved computed tomography-based and homogenised Doyle-Fuller-Newman models for lithium-ion batteries. E. C. Tredenick, A. M. Boyce, S. Wheeler, J. Li, Y. Sun, R. Drummond, S. R. Duncan, P. S. Grant and P.R. Shearing. 

104. Enhancing solid-state battery performance with spray-deposited gradient composite cathodes. M. P. Tudball, W. J. Dawson, J. H. Cruddos, F. Iacoviello, A.R.T. Morrison, A.J.E. Rettie and T.S. Miller.

103. Li+ concentration and morphological changes at the anode and cathode interphases inside solid-state lithium metal batteries.  C. Huang, M.D. Wilson, B. Cline, A. Sivarajah, W. Stolp, M. Boone, T. Connolley and C.L.A. Leung.

102. Spherical agglomeration for local control of electrode microstructure: Generation of structured agglomerates. K. Pardikar, J. Capindale, K. Pitt, I. Abdi-Rahman, D. Cumming and R. Smith.

101. Editorial: Lithium-ion batteries: manufacturing, modelling and advanced experimental techniques. Y. Sun, Y. Zhang, A. Boyce and M. Faraji Niri.

100. Graded lithium-ion battery pouch cells to homogenise current distributions and mitigate lithium plating. R. Drummond, E. C. Tredenick, T. L. Kirk, M. Forghani, P. S. Grant and S. R. Duncan.

99. A perspective on cell bill of materials using BatPaC. I.D.R. Stephens, P. Slater and E. Kendrick.


98. Fast-charging all-solid-state battery cathodes with long cycle life. C. Doerrer, X. Gao, J. Bu, S. Wheeler, M. Pasta, P.G. Bruce and P.S. Grant.

97. Visualizing the Li distribution in an all-solid-state battery composite electrode using combined plasma focused-ion beam microscopy and secondary-ion mass spectroscopy. Y.Sun, G.M. Hughes, J. Bu, J. Liu, C.R.M. Grovenor and P.S. Grant.

96. Sulfur/carbon cathode material chemistry and morphology optimisation for lithium–sulfur batteries. T. Safdar and C. Huang.

95. Water content estimation in polymer electrolyte fuel cells using synchronous electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and neutron imaging. S. Zhou, Y. Wu, L. Xu, W. Kockelmann, L. Rasha, W. Du, R. Owen, J. Yang, B. Li, P.R. Shearing, M-O. Coppens, D.J.L. Brett and R. Jervis.

94. 2024 roadmap for sustainable batteries. M-M. Titirici, P. Johansson, M. Crespo Ribadeneyra, H. Au, A. Innocenti, S. Passerini, E. Petavratzi, P. Lusty, A. Ahlberg Tidblad, A.J. Naylor, R. Younesi, Y.A. Chart, J. Aspinall, M. Pasta, J. Orive, L.M. Babual, M. Reynaud, K.G. Latham, T. Hosaka, S. Komaba, J. Bitenc, A. Ponrouch, H. Zhang, M. Armand, R. Kerr, P.C. Howlett, M. Forsyth, J. Brown, A. Grimaud, M. Vilkman, K.B. Dermenci, S. Mousavihashemi, M. Berecibar, J.E. Marshall, C.R. McElroy, E. Kendrick, T. Safdar, C. Huang, F.M. Zanotto, J. Fernandez Troncoso, D. Zapata Dominguez, M. Alabdali, U. Vijay, A.A. Franco, S. Pazhaniswamy, P.S. Grant, S. Lopez Guzman, M. Fehse, M. Galceran Mestres and N. Antuñano.

93. The effect of mud cracking on the performance of thick Li-ion electrodes. W.J. Dawson, A.R.T. Morrison, F. Iacoviello, A.M. Boyce, G. Giri, J. Li, T.S. Miller and P. Shearing.

92. A scalable and robust water management strategy for PEMFCs: Operando electrothermal mapping and neutron imaging study. L. Xu, P. Trogadas, S. Zhou, S. Jiang, Y. Wu, L. Rasha, W. Kockelmann, J.D. Yang, T. Neville, R. Jervis, D.J.L. Brett and M.-O. Coppens.

91. Investigations into the dynamic acoustic response of lithium-ion batteries during lifetime testing. E. Galiounas, E. Owen, F. Iacoviello, J.B. Robinson, M. Mirza, L. Rasha, and R. Jervis.

90. Status and outlook for lithium-ion battery cathode material synthesis and the application of mechanistic modeling. K. Pardikar, J. Entwistle, R. Ge, D. Cumming and R. Smith.

89. Graphite-SiOx electrodes with a biopolymeric binder for Li-ion batteries: Predicting the cycle life performance from physical properties. S.X. Drakopoulos, T. Cowell, and E. Kendrick.

88. Impact of formulation and slurry properties on lithium-ion electrode manufacturing. C. Reynolds, M. Faraji Niri, M.F. Hidalgo, R. Heymer, L. Román, G. Alsofi, H. Khanom, B. Pye, J. Marco and E. Kendrick.

87. Design of slurries for 3D printing of sodium-ion battery electrodes. C.D. Reynolds, G. Alsofi, J. Yang, M.J.H. Simmons and E Kendrick.

86. Investigation of calendaring parameters on the microstructure of graphite anodes within lithium-ion batteries: Insights from ultrasonic testing. E. Guk, M. Faraji Niri, T.A. Vincent, G. Apachitei, C. Briggs, B. Gulsoy, S. Chao, Z. Guo, J.E.H. Sansom and J. Marco.

85. Machine learning methods for the design of battery manufacturing processes. K. Liu , M. Faraji Niri, G. Apachitei, D. Greenwood and J. Marco.

84. Mapping of lithium ion concentrations in 3D structures through development of in situ correlative imaging of X-ray Compton scattering-computed tomography. C.L.A. Leung, M.D. Wilson, T. Connolley and C. Huang.

83. A multilayer Doyle-Fuller-Newman model to optimise the rate performance of bilayer cathodes in Li ion batteries. E.C. Tredenick, S. Wheeler, R. Drummond, Y. Sun, S.R. Duncan and P.S. Grant.

82. Elucidating the effect of electrode calendering on electrochemical performance using 3D image-based modelling. W. Sun and C. Huang.

81. Correlating lithium-ion transport and interfacial lithium microstructure evolution in solid-state batteries during the first cycle. C. Huang, M.D. Wilson, B. Cline, A. Sivarajah, W. Stolp, M.N. Boone, T. Connolley and C.L.A. Leung.

80. Application of operando ORP-EIS for the in-situ monitoring of acid anion incorporation during anodizing. M.D. Havigh, K. Marcoen, B. Wouters, N. Hallemans, M. Bojinov, T. Hauffman, J. Lataire, H. Terryn and A. Hubin.

79. The role of chemo-mechanical modelling in the development of battery technology - a perspective. A.M. Boyce, E. Martínez-Paneda and P.R. Shearing.

78. Effects of sulfate modification of stoichiometric and lithium-rich LiNiO2 cathode materials. B. Dong, A. Poletayev, J.P. Cottom, J. Castells-Gil, B. Spencer, C. Li, P. Zhu, Y. Chen, J-M. Price, L.L. Driscoll, P.K. Allan, E. Kendrick, M.S. Islam and P.R. Slater.

77. A groovy laser processing route to achieving high power and energy Lithium-ion batteries. P. Zhu, A. Boyce, S.R. Daemi, B. Dong, Y. Chen, S. Guan, M. Crozier, Y-L. Chiu, A.J. Davenport, R. Jervis, P. Shearing, R.N. Esfahani, P.R. Slater and E. Kendrick.

76. Understanding the drying process and mud cracking of Li-ion battery electrodes through synchrotron X-ray computed tomography. A. R. T. Morrison, W. Dawson, D. J. L. Brett, and P. R. Shearing

75. High-power recycling: upcycling to the next generation of high-power anodes for Li-ion battery applications. A. J. Green, E. H. Driscoll, P. A. Anderson, E. Kendrick, and P. R. Slater

74. Realising higher capacity and stability for disordered rocksalt oxyfluoride cathode materials for Li ion batteries. Y. Chen and C. Huang.

73. Exploring the properties of disordered rocksalt battery cathode materials by advanced characterization. R. Chen, C.L.A. Leung and C. Huang.

72. MXene-based energy devices: From progressive to prospective. S. Kazim, C. Huang, N.H. Hemasiri, A. Kulkarni, S. Mathur and S. Ahmad.

71. Solvent-free NMC electrodes for Li-ion batteries: unravelling the microstructure and formation of the PTFE nano-fibril network. G. A. B. Matthews, S. Wheeler, J. Ramírez-González and P. S. Grant.


70. Effect of carbon blacks on electrical conduction and conductive binder domain of next-generation Lithium-ion batteries. X. Lu, G.J. Lian, J. Parker, R. Ge, M.K. Sadan, R.M. Smith and D Cumming.

69. Co, Ni-free ultrathick free-standing dry electrodes for sustainable Lithium-ion batteries. M.K. Sadan, G.J. Lian, R.M. Smith and D. Cumming.

68. Data of physical and electrochemical characteristics of calendered NMC622 electrodes and lithium-ion cells at pilot-plant battery manufacturing. M. Faraji-Niri, M.F.V. Hidalgo, G. Apachitei, D. Dogaru, M. Lain, M. Copley and J. Marco.

67. Multi-layering of carbon conductivity enhancers for boosting rapid recharging performance of high mass loading lithium ion battery electrodes. S.H. Lee, Y. Sun and P.S. Grant.

66. Direct observations of electrochemically induced intergranular cracking in polycrystalline NMC811 particles. H.C.W. Parks, A.M. Boyce, A. Wade, T.M.M. Heenan, C. Tan, E. Martínez-Pañeda, P.R. Shearing, D.J.L. Brett and R. Jervis.

65. Rapid sintering of Li6.5La3Zr1Nb0.5Ce0.25Ti0.25O12 for high density lithium garnet electrolytes with current induced in situ interfacial resistance reduction. M.P. Stockham, B. Dong, M.S. James, P. Zhu, E. Kendrick and P. R. Slater.

64. Machine learning in lithium-ion battery cell production: A comprehensive mapping study. S. Haghi, M.F.V. Hidalgo, M.F. Niri, R. Daub, and J. Marco.

63. A review of the applications of Explainable Machine Learning for lithium–ion batteries: From production to state and performance estimation. M. Faraji Niri, K. Aslansefat, S. Haghi, M. Hashemian, R. Daub and J. Marco.

62. Optimisation of industrially relevant electrode formulations for LFP cathodes in lithium ion cells. G. Apachitei, M. Hidalgo, D. Dogaru, M. Lain, R. Heymer, J. Marco and M. Copley.

61. Design of experiments for optimizing the calendering process in Li-ion battery manufacturing. M.F.V. Hidalgo, G. Apachitei, D. Dogaru, M. Faraji-Niri, M. Lain, M. Copley and J. Marco.

60. Insights into surface chemistry down to nanoscale: An accessible colour hyperspectral imaging approach for scanning electron microscopy. J.F. Nohl, N.T.H. Farr, Y. Sun, G.M. Hughes, N. Stehling, J. Zhang, F. Longman, G. Ives, Z. Pokorná, F. Mika, V. Kumar, L. Mihaylova, C. Holland, S.A. Cussen and C. Rodenburg.

59. Microstructure of conductive binder domain for electrical conduction in next-generation lithium-ion batteries. X. Lu, G.J. Lian, R. Ge, J. Parker, M.K. Sadan, R. Smith and D. Cumming.

58. Use of positron emission particle tracking to assess mixing of a graphite-based lithium-ion anode slurry in an Eirich mixer. S.D. Hare, D. Werner, C.R.K. Windows-Yule, T.Z. Kokalova Wheldon, E. Kendrick and M.J.H. Simmons.

57. Spray fabrication of additive-free electrodes for advanced Lithium-Ion storage technologies. S.H. Lee and P.S. Grant.

56. Numerical design of microporous carbon binder domains phase in composite cathodes for Lithium-ion batteries. R. Ge, A.M. Boyce, Y. Sun, P.R. Shearing, P.S. Grant, D.J. Cumming and R.M. Smith.

55. Discrete element method and electrochemical modelling of lithium ion cathode structures characterised by X-ray computed tomography. R. Ge, A.M. Boyce, Y.S. Zhang, P.R. Shearing, D.J. Cumming, D.J. and R.M. Smith.

54. Status and outlook for lithium-ion battery cathode material synthesis and the application of mechanistic modelling. K. Pardikar, J. Entwistle, R. Ge, D.J. Cumming and R. Smith.

53. Jointly learning consistent causal abstractions over multiple interventional distributions. F.M. Zennaro, M. Dravucz, G. Apachitei, W.D. Widanage and T. Damoulas.

52. Synthesis, structure and electrochemical properties of a new cation ordered layered Li-Ni-Mg-Mo oxide. B. Dong, J. Castells-Gil, P. Zhu, L.L. Driscoll, E. Kendrick, P.K. Allan and P.R. Slater.

51. Quantitative assessment of machine-learning segmentation of battery electrode materials for active material quantification. J.J. Bailey, A. Wade, A.M. Boyce, Y.S. Zhang, D.J.L. Brett and P.R. Shearing.

50. Direct Observation of Dynamic Lithium Diffusion Behaviour in Nickel-Rich, LiNi0.8Mn0.1Co0.1O2 (NMC811) Cathodes using Operando Muon Spectroscopy. I. McClelland, S.G. Booth, N.N. Anthonisamy, L.A. Middlemiss, G.E. Pérez, E.J. Cussen, P.J. Baker and S.A. Cussen.


49. Mechanism of gelation in high nickel content cathode slurries for sodium-ion batteries. S. Roberts, L. Chen, B. Kishore, C.E.J. Dancer, M.J.H. Simmons and E. Kendrick.

48. Direct reuse of aluminium and copper current collectors from spent lithium-ion batteries. P. Zhu, E.H. Driscoll, B. Dong, R. Sommerville, A. Zorin, P.R. Slater and E. Kendrick.

47. Cross-sectional analysis of lithium ion electrodes using spatial autocorrelation techniques. M.J. Lain, G. Apachitei, L. Roman-Ramırez, M. Copley and J. Marco.

46. Roadmap on Li-ion battery manufacturing research. P.S. Grant, D. Greenwood, K. Pardikar, R. Smith, T. Entwistle, L.A. Middlemiss, G. Murray, S.A. Cussen, M.J. Lain, M.J. Capener, M. Copley, C.D. Reynolds, S.D. Hare, M.J.H. Simmons, E. Kendrick, S.P. Zankowski, S. Wheeler, P. Zhu, P.R. Slater, Y. Zhang, A.R.T. Morrison, W. Dawson, J. Li, P.R. Shearing, D.J.L. Brett, G. Matthews, R. Ge, R. Drummond, E.C. Tredenick, C. Cheng, S.R. Duncan, A.M. Boyce, M. Faraji-Niri, J. Marco, L.A. Roman-Ramirez, C. Harper, P. Blackmore, T. Shelley, A. Mohsseni and D.J. Cumming.

45. Design of experiments applied to lithium-ion batteries: A literature review. L.A. Román-Ramírez and J. Marco.

44. The impact of calendering process variables on the impedance and capacity fade of lithium-ion cells: An explainable machine learning approach. M. Faraji Niri, G. Apachitei, M. Lain, M. Copley and J. Marco.

43. Interpretable machine learning for battery capacities prediction and coating parameters analysis. K. Liu, M Faraji Niri, G. Apachitei, M. Lain, D. Greenwood and J. Marco.

42. Sequential deposition of integrated cathode–inorganic separator–anode multilayers for high performance Li-ion batteries. J.D. Evans, Y. Sun, and P.S. Grant.

41. Insights into architecture, design and manufacture of electrodes for lithium-ion batteries. P. Zhu, P.R. Slater and E. Kendrick.

40. Machine learning for investigating the relative importance of electrodes’ N:P areal capacity ratio in the manufacturing of lithium-ion battery cells. M. Faraji Niri, G. Apachitei, M. Lain, M. Copley and J. Marco.

39. Systematic analysis of the impact of slurry coating on manufacture of Li-ion battery electrodes via explainable machine learning. M. Faraji Niri, C. Reynolds, L.A.A. Román Ramírez, E. Kendrick and J. Marco.

38. Rheology and structure of lithium-ion battery electrode slurries. C.D. Reynolds, S.D. Hare, P.R. Slater, M.J.H. Simmons, and E. Kendrick.

37. Extensional rheology of battery electrode slurries with water-based binders. C.D. Reynolds,  J. Lam, L. Yang and E. Kendrick.

36. Optimization of electrode and cell design for ultra-fast-charging lithium-ion batteries based on molybdenum niobium oxide anodes. Y. Lakhdar, H. Geary, M. Houck, D. Gastol, A.S. Groombridge, P.R. Slater and E. Kendrick.

35. A continuum of physics-based lithium-ion battery models reviewed. F. Brosa Planella, W. Ai, A.M. Boyce, A. Ghosh, I. Korotkin, S. Sahu, V. Sulzer, R. Timms, T.G. Tranter, M. Zyskin, S.J. Cooper, J.S. Edge, J.M. Foster, M .Marinescu, B. Wu and G. Richardson.

34. Exploring the influence of porosity and thickness on lithium-ion battery electrodes using an image-based model. A.M. Boyce, X. Lu, D.J.L. Brett and P.R. Shearing

33. Carbon binder domain networks and electrical conductivity in lithium-ion battery electrodes: A Critical Review. J. Entwistle, R. Ge, K. Pardikar, R.M. Smith and D.J. Cumming.

32. Discrete element method (DEM) analysis of lithium ion battery electrode structures from X-ray tomography-the effect of calendering conditions. R. Ge, D.J. Cumming and R.M. Smith.

31. Applications of advanced metrology for understanding the effects of drying temperature in lithium-ion battery electrodes manufacturing process. Y.S. Zhang, J.J. Bailey, Y. Sun, A.M. Boyce, W. Dawson, C.D. Reynolds, Z. Zhang, X. Lu, P. Grant, E. Kendrick, P.R. Shearing and D.J.L. Brett.

30. Low-voltage SEM of air-sensitive powders: from sample preparation to micro/nano analysis with Secondary Electron Hyperspectral Imaging. J. F. Nohl, N. T. H. Farr, Y. Sun , G. M. Hughes , S. A. Cussen and C. Rodenburg.

29. 2022 roadmap on 3D printing for energy. A. Tarancón, V. Esposito, M. Torrell, M. Di Vece, J.S. Son, P. Norby, S. Bag, P.S. Grant, A. Vogelpoth, S. Linnenbrink, M. Brucki, T. Schopphoven, A. Gasser, E. Persembe, D. Koufou, S. Kuhn, R. Ameloot, X. Hou, K. Engelbrecht, C.R. H. Bahl, N. Pryds, J. Wang, C. Tsouris, E. Miramontes, L. Love, C. Lai, X. Sun, M.R. Kærn, G. Criscuolo and D.B. Pedersen.

28. The effect of cell geometry and trigger method on the risks associated with thermal runaway of lithium-ion batteries. W.Q. Walker, K. Cooper, P. Hughes, I. Doemling, M. Akhnoukh, S. Taylor, J. Darst, J. Billman, M. Sharp, D. Petrushenko, R. Owen, M. Pham, T. Heenan, A. Rack, O. Magdsyuk, T. Connolley, D. Brett, P. Shearing, D. Finegan and E. Darcy.

27. Determining the electrochemical transport parameters of sodium-ions in hard carbon composite electrodes. D.Ledwoch, L.Komsiyska, E-M.Hammer, K.Smith, P.R.Shearing, D.J.L.Brett, and E.Kendrick.

26. Effect of coating operating parameters on electrode physical characteristics and final electrochemical performance of lithium-ion batteries. L. A. Román-Ramírez, G. Apachitei, M. Faraji-Niri, M. Lain, D. Widanage and J. Marco.

25. Effective Ultrasound Acoustic Measurement to Monitor the Lithium-Ion Battery Electrode Drying Process with Various Coating Thicknesses. Y.S. Zhang, J.B. Robinson, R.E. Owen, A.N.P. Radhakrishnan, J. Li, J.O. Majasan, P.R. Shearing, E. Kendrick, and D.J.L. Brett.

24. Experimental data of cathodes manufactured in a convective dryer at the pilot-plant scale, and charge and discharge capacities of half-coin lithium-ion cells. L.A. Román-Ramírez, G. Apachitei, M. Faraji-Niri, M. Lain, D. Widanage and J. Marco.

23. Cracking predictions of lithium ion battery electrodes by X-ray computed tomography and modelling. A.M. Boyce, E. Martínez-Paneda, A. Wade, Y. Zhang, J.J. Bailey, T.M.M. Heenan, D.J.L. Brett and P.R. Shearing.

22. Modelling the impedance response of graded LiFePO4 cathodes for Li-ion batteries. R. Drummond, C. Cheng, P. S. Grant and S. R. Duncan.

21. Quantifying Key Factors for Optimised Manufacturing of Li-ion Battery Anode and Cathode via Artificial Intelligence. M. Faraji Niri, K. Liu, G. Apachitei, L. Roman Ramirez, M. Lain, D. Widanage and J. Macro.


20. Large area visualization of the Li distribution in lithium-ion battery electrodes using plasma FIB and SIMS. Y. Sun, G. Hughes, J. Liu, C. Grovenor and P. Grant.

19. Formulation and manufacturing optimization of lithium-ion graphite-based electrodes via machine learning. S.X. Drakopoulos, A. Gholamipour-Shirazi, P. MacDonald, R.C. Parini, C.D. Reynolds, D.L. Burnett, B. Pye, K.B. O’Regan, G. Wang, T.M. Whitehead, G.J. Conduit, A. Cazacu and E. Kendrick.

18. In situ x-ray computed tomography of zinc–air primary cells during discharge: correlating discharge rate to anode morphology. J. Hack, D. Patel, J.J. Bailey, F. Iacoviello, P.R. Shearing and D.J.L. Brett.

17. Understanding the effect of coating-drying operating variables on electrode physical and electrochemical properties of lithium-ion batteries. L.A.Román-Ramírez, G.Apachitei, M.Faraji-Niri, M.Lain, W.D.Widanage, and J.Marco.

16. Multi-length scale microstructural design of lithium-ion battery electrodes for improved discharge rate performance. X. Lu, X. Zhang, C. Tan, T.M.M. Heenan, M. Lagnoni, K. O'Regan, S. Daemi, A. Bertei, H.G. Jones, G. Hinds, J. Park, E. Kendrick, D.J.L. Brett and P.R. Shearing.

15. A Review of Lithium-Ion Battery Electrode Drying: Mechanisms and Metrology. Y. Zhang, N.E. Courtier, Z. Zhang, K. Liu, J.J. Bailey, A.M. Boyce, G. Richardson, P.R. Shearing, E. Kendrick and D.J.L. Brett.

14. Recent advances in acoustic diagnostics for electrochemical power systems. J. Majasan, J. Robinson, R. Owen, M. Maier, A.N.P. Radhakrishnan, M. Pham, T.G. Tranter, Y. Zhang, P. Shearing and D Brett.

13. Design of Scalable, Next-Generation Thick Electrodes: Opportunities and Challenges. A.M. Boyce, D.J. Cumming, C. Huang, S.P. Zankowski, P.S. Grant, D.J.L. Brett and P.R. Shearing.

12. Feature Analysis and Modelling of Lithium-ion Batteries Manufacturing based on Random Forest Classification. K. Liu, X. Hu, H. Zhou, L. Tong, D. Widanalage and J. Marco.

11. Machine learning for optimised and clean Li-ion battery manufacturing: Revealing the dependency between electrode and cell characteristics. M. Faraji Niri, K. Liu, G. Apachitei, L. Roman Ramirez, M. Lain, D. Widanage, and J. Marco.

10. A review of metrology in lithium-ion electrode coating processes. C.D. Reynolds, P.R. Slater, S.D. Hare, M.J.H. Simmons and E. Kendrick.

9. In-situ ultrasound acoustic measurement of the lithium-ion battery electrode drying process. Y.S. Zhang, A.N.P. Radhakrishnan, J.B. Robinson, R.E. Owen, T.G. Tranter, E. Kendrick, P.R. Shearing and D.J.L Brett.

8. Thermal-chemical conversion of carbonaceous waste for carbon nanotubes and hydrogen production: A review. Y. Zhang, H. Zhu, D. Yao, P.T. Williams, C. Wu, D. Xu, Q. Hu, G. Manos, L.Yu, M. Zhao, P.R Shearing and D.J.L. Brett.

7. Multi-layered composite electrodes of high power Li4Ti5O12 and high capacity SnO2 for smart lithium ion storage. S.H. Lee, C. Huang and P.S. Grant.

6. Microstructural design of printed graphite electrodes for lithium-ion batteries. D. Gastol, M. Capener, C. Reynolds, C. Constable and E. Kendrick.

5. Controlling molten carbonate distribution in dual-phase molten salt-ceramic membranes to increase carbon dioxide permeation rates. M. Kazakli, G. A. Mutch, G. Triantafyllou, A. Gouvei Gil, T. Li, B. Wang, J. J. Bailey, D. J. L. Brett, P. R. Shearing, K. Li and I. Metcalfe.


4. Data mining for quality prediction of battery in manufacturing process: Cathode coating process. M. Niri Faraji, K. Liu, G. Apachitei, L. Roman Ramirez, D. Widanage and J. Marco.

3. 4D Bragg Edge Tomography of Directional Ice Templated Graphite Electrodes. R. F. Ziesche, A. S. Tremsin, C. Huang, C. Tan, P. S. Grant, M. Storm, D. J. L. Brett, P. R. Shearing and W. Kockelmann.

2. Automotive Battery Equalizers Based on Joint Switched-Capacitor and Buck-Boost Converters. K. Liu, Z. Yang, X. Tang and W. Cao.

1. The Building Blocks of Battery Technology: Using Modified Tower Block Game Sets to Explain and Aid the Understanding of Rechargeable Li-Ion Batteries. E. H. DriscollE. C. Hayward, R. Patchett, P. A. Anderson and P. R. Slater.